Education & Love

The true nature of people lies in love, their deepest and primordial vocation, symbolized in childbirth by the children’s cry when they are born. It is a wail which certainly expresses the fear of the original abandonment, but also the longing to be welcomed in the mother’s arms, in so far as the human being, in order to exist, above all needs to be loved.
From this comes the deduced conviction that “love educates” and that being loved is the first, fundamental condition necessary to learn not only to love, but also to know and to give true meaning to our journey of freedom.
Therefore, it seems clear that we are not highlighting the need for some positive feeling which permits us to establish good educator-student relationships, confining love to the categories of good intentions or of religious spirit, but that of bringing reflection back to the foundations and to the educative relationship itself.
First of all we need to ask ourselves: can love have full citizenship in reflections on education? What love are we talking about?
And again: if love is inscribed in our being and is therefore a constitutive element of education, is there a course where we as educators can learn to love and to involve our sons and daughters, our young people in this reciprocal, inalienable horizon? We are not talking about opting for an easy moralizing speech, but rather to go to the root of our vocation in education.
As educators, we are therefore not only questioned individually, but also as a community of educators: we are asked to face the course of reflection, study, programming and continuing education with courage, commitment and effort, so that our role as educators can be carried out with ever more care and competence.
This is love and education …